Intelligent 404


Get Ready to Give Your Business a Huge Upgrade, Because You’re About to Discover the Time Saving, Profit Boosting Magic of…

With this script you can quickly and easily put a stop to 404 errors. The specific reason I created this script was to make certain I wasn’t losing customers, orders, etc. The way it works is pretty straight forward… if it doesn’t find the page it was looking for, it will simply redirect the surfer to your home page.

* Eliminating 404 errors eliminates the risk of having your page de-listed or your website rank lowered by search engines.

* Intelligently turns a potentially harmful 404 error page into a helpful and safe redirect.

* Search engine friendly so you won’t get penalized for redirecting to an alternative page.

* Automatically keeps your entire website 404 error free – without being visible to search engine crawlers and site visitors.

All you have to do is grab your copy now!