Analyze Buzz


Analyze Competition In Just Seconds! Here’s What This Keyword Analysis Tool Does:

* Displays Allinanchor results so you know exactly which keyword to insert into your anchor tag to get indexed fast

* Displays Allintitle results so you can select the right keywords to place in your title for laser targeted results (e.g ‘Golden Retriever Training’ instead of just ‘Golden Retriever’)

* The Google Ad results will show you the number of Google ads that appear on the right hand side of the page when those keywords are searched for

* Discover sites where the keyword appear only in the URL address of the results pages with the ‘InURL’ section

* Easily compile and save all your results into a simple, easy to read file in seconds

Change The Skins, Change The Name, Do Pretty Much Anything You Please With This.

+ PSD Files

+ Videos Included

+ PLR Articles

+ Keywords

+ Rebrander Software